Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Can Feel A Breeze

The fabled coat blow of the Samoyed has begun and my house is looking like a winter wonderland, if only it where as cool!
I am begining to wonder if maybe buying a better vaccum would be the way to go seeing as though my old one just isn't doing the job anymore.

Poor Mist is feeling somewhat sorry for himself however.
He is itchy from losing the hair and has to have warm baths more often then he would like and the constant grooming is starting to tell on us both!
But I guess this is what I must put up with when I own this breed, believe me is is a small price to pay for such an amusing companion.

With all the hair loss Mist actually looks like he has become much, much smaller!
I always knew there was a dog under all that hair!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Show

Another show come and gone and wow I am exhausted!
Two day shows are all good and well but by the end of the second day everyone is dead tired.
Lestat came along too, he loves his shows and has been dubbed camp white fluff's offical cheerleader.
He did a good job as usual.
I was amazed at how tired Mist was, he even refussed to play with his new tug toy, a very strange occurance for him as he is toy obsessed!

We didn't do nearly as well at this show, in fact the first day we utterly bombed! It was disheatening after such a wonderful first show, but Mist was an angel, doing everything I asked of him and the only complaint I had was him wriggling again for the judge, she wasn't too happy about that at all.
The second day was better, Mist took puppy in class so no points but another shiny blue ribbon. I know the points are the part we should be working for but I am new to this and like getting my ribbons, Mists breeder seems to find it amusing but i guess when you have been at it for so long things and you get so many ribbons you begin to get sick of it.
We did get to see Mistrals lovely Uncle Neo, a very hansom boy, along with his grandmother, a charming bitch named Mishka (she is the one pictured on the left) and Mistral couldn't get enough of her. She is such a lovely dog, so sweet and cuddly, a really lovely example of the breed, its nice to know Mist has such lovely dogs in his breeding.

His brother and sister where there again as well. Mist and Star just had to be together again and it would seem that they don't like being seperated. At one stage I was all the way on the other side of the show ground and we could hear Star barking (for those who have never herd a Samoyed bark its definatly very easy to hear) and Mist barked one and she was quiet. It was really very strange. Barney is a much quieter dog, he definatly dosn't male as much noise as the other two but is definatly just as sweet. Here he is pictured giving my OH a nice big Samoyed kiss.
The number of Samoyeds entered was pretty amazing. They are not an overly common breed in this country, I believe many are turned off by the coat and the belief that they can't handle the heat which couldn't be further from the truth and I it was really nice to see so many of them out and showing off the breed, daunting for a newbi like myself but nice. But with all the fun I think Mist had the best time at the end of the weekend when we where packing the car to go home. It was hot and like most arctic breeds Mist likes to dig himself a little hollow when it it hot to keep himself cool. He found a wonderful place under the car and settled in the red dirt, making sure to roll around and get nice and filthy. thankfully this was at the end of the weekend and he didn't have to stay spotless after that, but how could I have stopped him when he was having such a good time!

With any luck the next show will be better and we can continue our quest for 100 points!