Saturday, April 25, 2009

ANZAC Cluster Shows, ACT Show 2

Better, today was definatly better then yesterday.

Still no points but he was much better behaved this time and I didn't crush the poor darling so it was good enough for me.

Anyway some pics I managed to get while there:

Bud (Icemist The Dream Maker), taking dog challenge both days.
Misty boy:
Both the boys together, Misty is on the right:
And finally Lestat, never forgotten, pictured here playing with Cujo the St. Bernard:

Once again all I can say is that I hope the next show is better. I need to inprove my handling skills and Misty needs more coat.
Gives me something to work on if anything else.

Friday, April 24, 2009

ANZAC Cluster Shows, ACT, Show 1

Oh my god . . . . . . just don't ask.

Lets just say that Misty and I had a little accident in the show ring (he and I tripped and I stood on his back leg :( ) so he then totally refused to let the judge come anywhere near him . . . . . . . . *sigh*

What a joke.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rainy Day

Not all that much going on at the moment, Easter is a non event in our house so we spent a few days doing nothing, just hanging out around the house and doing things with the dogs.

Its been raining a whole lot, finally (we really, really need it too) and the boys have been cooped up (they have been given chances to play in the mud but not wanting half the garden tracked inside I have limited their play time) more so then usual so when there was a good break today they had a huge play outside.

Some of the photos I took:

Misty, growing up very nicely:

Monday, April 6, 2009

That Little Monster

Not my usual sort of entry but this was just so much of a shock I simply had to add it.

Almost 2 months ago (I think that date is about right) we had an issue with Mistral after he had chewed a plastic chicken toy and there was a worry that he had a bowel blockage (needless to say all similar toys have been removed from the toy box now).
My OH came home from work asap so we could get him to the vet.

In the end it turned out there was nothing more then a bit of pain and Mist was able to sort it out himself (thankfully) and everything was alright.

So a few weeks later (nothing had been eaten or swallowed to cause a hassle) he started showing the same symptoms again, making me worry about him and send for my OH again. Now Mist was acting as though he was dieing, nothing had ever been more horrible then how he felt at that moment. So offcause I am very worried about him, thinking that there truely was something wrong with him.
Eventually my OH gets home and suddenly Mistral is perfectly fine . . . . . .

I was a little surprised and explained everything to my OH who was, with good reason somewhat annoyed to come home and find the dog perfectly fine.

So we think, well maybe there was something, he had a stomach ache or maybe he was slightly constipated and it bothered him. Nothing all that unusual. After a chat with the vet we decide to keep an eye on him and if he is having anymore hassles we will take him in.

This happened again on Saturday night.
I was already dead tired after a long and exhausting week and was looking forward to a good night sleep and a long sleep in the next day.
Allas this was not to happen.

We go to bed late and just before I had drifted off to sleep Mistral starts pacing around the house and crying (the begining of this typical behaviour), he then vomits a few times (I find later that he had been eating the cat grass) and cries some more.
I get up and take him outside, more crying and moaning, fussing around and acting very odd. I am worried as he hasn't done this for a good long time and this time my OH is here, so here I am, innocently thinking there is something seriously wrong with my dog and that I would have to send him off to the vet again, dredding the money it would cost being a weekend but knowing it was the best thing to do for him.

This behaviour goes on and on for hours, slackening somewhat but still there. Eventually I am nothing more then a zombie, I was falling alseep on my feet and go and wake my OH, telling him what is going on and if he could please take my place so I can get a few hours sleep.
He kindly gets up and goes out with the little baby while I all but fell on the bed in sheer exhaustion. But offcause I couldn't sleep. So I go outside to see how everything is going.

And what do I find?
Mistral, once again perfectly fine, having a great time outside at 4.30 in the morning, chasing frogs, my OH annoyed and bemused at the same time watching him.

So there you go, my dog fakes illness to get attention from my OH . . . . . . . . . . . I am not sure what to think about that . . . . . . . I really don't . .. . . . . .
