Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Its Been Awhile

I've not looked here for so long, oops.

Alot has happened since I last wrote about Mistral's toy swallowing habit. I wont bore you with the minor details but just update the big stuff.

We moved house and found that even though being slightly closer to a city we managed to go without internet connection for almost three months! But the lack of tv and internet did give me a good chance to spend more time with the dogs and get some nice photos of them enjoying their new home.

Their favourite activity seems to be running around the house in laps at top speed:

Even Lestat seems to like it here, he might not be too thrilled about me putting a photo up of him in his pj's though......

Alchemy gained her Australian Championship title as well, taking only 7 months in total. We are so very proud of our little girl.

Mistral showed us all how well behaved he is by letting me dress him up for a Halloween parade at a show recently. He was a fallen angel which I though very appropriate for a Samoyed

And lastly we have big news.
A very special young dog will be joining us here in Australia soon, co owned between myself and Icemist kennels.
We have been waiting for a long time for this young man and as they day of his arrival grows closer we get more and more excited!
I wont let on where he is coming from or his name yet but here are a few pics for now.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dog Vomit

Mistral is going to be one of these dogs that drives me insane for the rest of him life.

Allie has this fantastic little giraffe toy she totally adores (she picked it herself at the store and proudly took it to the counter, let it be scanned and then walked out with it) and we noticed earlier this evening that it was missing one of it's legs.

Off cause it wasn't Allie, she never eats anything except food and roo poo (her choice of dinner most nights! ewwwww)
We looked at Lestat, he has taken out shoes, makeup, carpet, clothing and a mosquito net and has swollowed things before but then we saw Mistral, sitting in the corner looking very guilty.......

Right, out comes the soda crystals and two seconds later, giraffe leg......would you believe the mongrel tried to eat it again!!!!

I have never been so happy for a dog to vomit in my life.

Arggggggg, this dog is going to be the death of me!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spitz Meet, Sydney

Just a couple of photos from the lastest Spitz meet.


Jedi the Keeshond

Paddington the Finnish Lapphund

Zero the Siberian Husky

And Coco the Samoyed puppy (sooooo cute)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I should have done this yesterday but I didn't get a chance.

A huge Happy first Birthday to my stunning baby girl Icemist Ever Dream, aka, Alchemy or Cookie as she is affectionatly known.

I can't believe my darling little girl is already 1 whole year old.
You would never think it though, she is a big puppy really and I think it will take a good number of years before she is really grown up.

She has been the sweetest, easiest little girl to live with, no one can ever stay angry or annoyed with Allie, she worms her way into your heart and stays there.

So here are some photos of my little Cookie:

Love you little girl

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Worlds Most Expensive Sock

Mistral is a known eater of pretty much anything he can get down his throat (hell some things he can't but god knows he trys), socks are his absolute favourite.
And it's not just anyones socks, only mine.

So we have made extra sure that any socks are out of his reach. Well apparently i wasn't carefull enough. One of my knee high socks went missing the other day. I had put them up out of the way and assumed that I had misplaced one somewhere.

I wish I had been right

Thursday night Mistral was ill. By Friday morning he was screaming in pain.
Off to the vet first thing in the morning and he was in surgery that afternoon. A blackage was found in his stomach, stuck in the passage to his bowel.

That bloody sock.
Cost me $3.50 brand new and ended up costing me $1,100 used and gross......

He is now crated and feeling very sorry for himself with a scar down his stomach that matches the one I have (poor bastard).

Frigging socks


Monday, May 10, 2010


I've been a slack girl not updating the blog more often.
I have been so busy with updating and getting the web site up that this has taken backseat to it I'm afarid.

Anyway, things with the pack are going well. We have been attending a few shows, less then we would like as we have been a bit ill but we hope to get back out there more during winter. It's during these colder months that these Sammies of ours are so much more active and it makes showing them more pleasent for them and us!

Alchemy has been doing well recently taking 3 Runner Up Best of Breeds and a Best Puppy in Group! We were very proud of our little girl. She has grown up so much the last few months, I keep forgetting she is not my little baby anymore and will be a year old next month!

Mistral hasn't been shown all that much, since he was titled I pulled back putting him in the ring as often. He went to a few and had a great time as usual, he loves going out to shows. I suspect it has a lot more to do with getting cuddles from so many people rather then actually getting in the ring.

Lestat has been his usual self, dropping Labrador hair everywhere and taking up as much space on the lounge as possible. We have had to pull his dog jackets out with the cool weather thanks to his poor breeding causing a nasty case of hip dysplasia. Poor boy is always so stiff on cold mornings. But he does happy dances when his jackets are pulled out, its very cute.

We also got the chance to spend some time with friends of ours and their beautiful Bullmastiff's (we have mentioned these stunning dogs before) and they had their most recent addition, a beautiful little pup called Peachez.
She is so adorable I had to put up a photo of her.

And my favourite little girl Grunt, she is Alchemy's friend!

And a few of our crazy kids:


Lestat with the Sammies

We have quite a bit of exciting news but I wont let any of it out just now, don't want to jinx it or anything. But stay tuned, for exciting future events!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Skyforger Samoyeds

Well its taken months but after postman strikes, letters getting lost and just being generally late we finally have our Kennel Prefix!

Can't even begin to describe how happy we are here, this has been a long time coming.

We currently have our web site under construction and I will post a link as soon as it is finished.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Been So Lazy

I've been slack about updating the blog again, oops.

Not all that much has been going on since the last time I wrote here.
We went to a few shows, one being the Canberra Royal and Alchemy's father Bud took out Best of Breed, which was fantastic!

And in her first day in Puppy class Alchemy beat her brother Buster for the first time ever! A small win but I have to admit I was very happy. She even took out a Runner Up Best of Breed against adult dogs! My little girl is going up in the world.

Here are a few photos that have been taken at the last few shows:

Miss Alchemy

My friends beautiful boy, Fletcher
Lochie the Affie pup (who is totally awsome!)
Dazzle the Husky
Well thats about it for us.
There is some exciting news coming up but I am under pain of death not to say anything so I will have to keep it to myself for now but I llok forward to telling everyone when I can!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Bega Valley Show

I have never seen anything like the storm we faced when we headed down for a weekend of camping and showing in the town of Bermagui (spelling?).
We headed down on Friday morning and we were aware that the weather was going to be a little less then fantastic but we had faith in our tent......

We arrived and thankfully the weather had held on the vile road down and even managed to set up the tent before the rain started. It was only occasional so it was looking up....until about 11 that night.

It rained and rained and rained, I'm not talking about a light shower here, it was sheeting down, the kind of rain that you walk into and it soaks you to the bone in about 2 seconds. This went on all night, thunder and lighting came and went while the rain continued.
Out camp site was set up on a slight slope but because of how the place was desgined we ended up with about 2 inches of water under the tent at all times!
Thankfully the tent held with only two very small leaks....seriously the Oz Trail tents are very good!

So when we got up in the morning the whole camp ground was starting to look a little bit more damp then the day before, the lake it was on had risen much higher and there had been a little bit of a land slide under one of the cabins. The lady camped next to us lost her gazebo due to the huge amounts of rain but that was the worst of the damage.

Well until we saw the show ground.
There was another storm coming and already there were big puddles of water forming in the obediance rings. We hoped that the rain was going to go away eventually......no that didn't happen at all.

It poured with rain all day.
We watched as those puddles turned into small pools and became a lake that eventually reached peoples knees but thankfully the show was just over at that stage.
Everyone tried to keep it civil in the begining but as the day went on shoes and raincoats were lost as everyone simply gave up and excepted that we were all going to be staying wet regardless.
Our judge for the day was very good natured about the whole thing and stayed smiling and making jokes while she stood bare footed with her hat and peals on, her show suit totally soaked. It really made the day fun.
Notice the wet Affie pup, he loved it though
The Samoyeds stayed as dry as possible but as we had two gazebos set up we did have a bit of a leak....
Results were very good for the puppies.
Alchemy took out Bitch Challenge, Runner Up Best of Breed and Minor Puppy in Group, her brother took 1st in Sweeps, Dog Challenge, Best of Breed and Puppy in Group!

Although it was a good day by the time we got back to the tent (which had been moved) I was very cold and wet and feeling awful so after some thought we decided to head home.

Would you believe it was a lovely day the next!!!
Offcause it was.
Alchemy's brother did well taking out the same results as before and then went on to get Puppy In Show!

So we headed down the next day, we had to pick up the gazebo we left there anyway and why not give Alchemy another crack at something good.
It was a long day but we came out with the same results as before! Another Minor in Group, I was so thrilled, what a little star!
I even got some pic of Japanese Spitz (what darling little dogs, i have been totally won over and can't wait to get one one day)
So I was very happy, all be it a little damp and I would do it again....well maybe a bit less rain!
I was so proud with my little girl and can't wait to get out there with her again.