Sunday, March 14, 2010

Skyforger Samoyeds

Well its taken months but after postman strikes, letters getting lost and just being generally late we finally have our Kennel Prefix!

Can't even begin to describe how happy we are here, this has been a long time coming.

We currently have our web site under construction and I will post a link as soon as it is finished.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Been So Lazy

I've been slack about updating the blog again, oops.

Not all that much has been going on since the last time I wrote here.
We went to a few shows, one being the Canberra Royal and Alchemy's father Bud took out Best of Breed, which was fantastic!

And in her first day in Puppy class Alchemy beat her brother Buster for the first time ever! A small win but I have to admit I was very happy. She even took out a Runner Up Best of Breed against adult dogs! My little girl is going up in the world.

Here are a few photos that have been taken at the last few shows:

Miss Alchemy

My friends beautiful boy, Fletcher
Lochie the Affie pup (who is totally awsome!)
Dazzle the Husky
Well thats about it for us.
There is some exciting news coming up but I am under pain of death not to say anything so I will have to keep it to myself for now but I llok forward to telling everyone when I can!
