Friday, May 29, 2009

Junee Show

He finally got some points!!!!

Pulling off Dog Challenge and then Best of Breed *please excuse me while I do a happy dance*

Offcause do you think I was there to see all this? Nope.
I was home, sick. Yes that's right I went and got sick much to my total irritation and in all honnesty still not 100% but news of my little bears win has made me feel better and made the hour wait in the dr's practise worth it.

With any luck this will the start of a points flood . . . . .yeah might be a little over hopefull with that but hey, whats wrong with wishing.

Anyway, some photos from the day:

My beautiful Misty Bear
And some other pups from the day.
The stunning Bindii

And Willy
A Saint (my OH adores Saints, Leo's and Mastiff's, I know one day we will end up with one of these breeds but I have promised him he will be doing the grooming and picking up after)
More shows again next weekend, we are taking this weekend off so everyone can have a well needed rest and I can get better.
With any luck I will have more good news next weekend.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cowra Show, Sat & Sun

Still no points, ah well, this happens I guess.

But we had a fantastic time and caught up with friends so the weekend wasn't a total waste. We did manage to get some great photos though.

The lovely Neo, Icemist The King Maker

Misty dog on his lovely new dog bed
Xena and my OH having cuddles

Star, Icemist Star Attraction, Misty's lovely sister and one of his bestest friends.

And some of the stunning Bullmastiffs from GrizzMuffley Kennel's.

Echoe, Grizzmuffley BabyImaStar

Stahr, Grizzmuffley Get WildI love the bullmastiff's, they have such wonderful faces and such sweet tempermants, there is a good chance I will get one one of these days.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bathurst, Three days

After absolutely no sleep and a very busy week training for work in Sydney I got up at 3 in the morning to go to Bathurst for a three day show.

This was to be our first time camping at a show and thankfully it wasn't too traumatic. However google maps once again tried to screw us and took us the 5 hour 'scenic route' although very pretty,did cause us massive hassles as half the road was around great bloody mountains and was dirt . . . not exactly good for our car which is not build for off road driving!

I did however get a chance to stop at a stunning little cemerety and take some pics, freezing my toes in the thick frost as I did.

I am not going to go on a day by day account of what happened, I am still exhausted and really couldn't be bothered. Lets just say that although Misty didn't get any points (bugger) we did alright with him at least placing with a runner up BOB, two reserve dog challanges and his class twice.

His beautiful grandmother was retired with her final bitch challange and Bud also gained his Aus champ title so a very good weekend really.

Icemist The Dream Maker (Bud)
I was also given the chance to show a lovely little girl all three days, it was so different handling her from my strong willed boof head and it was actually a nice change. I rather look forward to getting a little girl one day.

Icemist Snow Angel (Xena)

Camping itself wasn't all that terrible. My OH actually managed to get the tent up by himself (after we had been assured it was impossible to do)
and we did stay fairly warm in the minus temps overnight. It was a bit of a shock to see the huge amounts of ice covering it the next morning though!

Many photos where taken of some of the lovely dogs there over the three days:

Harry the Keeshond
Snuffy the Landseer Newf
And a beautiful Blue Dane and Saint Bernard girl, both dogs my OH fell in love with. I have a feeling we will end up with a giant breed one day.

We took the advice of some friends and found a much faster way home, no thanks to google maps . . . . .

So all in all not a bad weekend. Our quest for points however continues.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

When the cat is away, the mice will play

Or in my case, when mum goes away the boys are total bloody monsters!

I had to make a very sper of the moment trip to Sydney this week for work. It came at a very irritating time as we have a three day show starting tomorrow so I was hoping and praying my OH would be able to keep Misty as clean as possible so that I didn't have to bath him before leaving as I would have no time at all!

Well it didn't really work the way I had hoped.
The first day I was gone nothing happened, all quiet on the western front, it lulled my OH into a false sense of security.

Day two saw the distruction of a small box of tinned cat food. The cans survived but the box was totally destroyed.

Day three we had snow inside, well we would have if snow was made from flour, sugar and bread crumbs. Another box of cat food went to heaven along with a few plastic containers.

And day four, the final day, we had an oil spill, thankfully it was not along a pristine beach and only the kitchen floor suffered ill effects, well that and Mistral who had clearly thought it wise to have a good roll in it. Clearly thinking of us and helping in his own special way to clean up the mess.
Yes it did get rid of some of the floor oil, sadly however he didn't realise it would then stick to him.

So after a very long week of work, insane taxi drivers and delayed flights I came home to total mess.

I have cleaned Mist as best as I can before this show tomorrow . . . . . . pray for us, we will need it!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Another Day, Stupid Amounts of Photos

We where meant to be attending the Orange show today. But thanks to my sleeping in (totally bizzare as I have not done so in many years) and somehow turning off my alarm we slept in late enough that when I finally gave myself over to consciousness again it was far too late to even tempt getting there. Shame really. But to make up for it we decided, in celebration of my new job and the on coming of some semi decent weather (we love you winter!), to take a trip to the beach.

So here, an absolute inundation of photos.

And last of all a cheesy family shot, minus the man behind the camera!