Thursday, May 7, 2009

When the cat is away, the mice will play

Or in my case, when mum goes away the boys are total bloody monsters!

I had to make a very sper of the moment trip to Sydney this week for work. It came at a very irritating time as we have a three day show starting tomorrow so I was hoping and praying my OH would be able to keep Misty as clean as possible so that I didn't have to bath him before leaving as I would have no time at all!

Well it didn't really work the way I had hoped.
The first day I was gone nothing happened, all quiet on the western front, it lulled my OH into a false sense of security.

Day two saw the distruction of a small box of tinned cat food. The cans survived but the box was totally destroyed.

Day three we had snow inside, well we would have if snow was made from flour, sugar and bread crumbs. Another box of cat food went to heaven along with a few plastic containers.

And day four, the final day, we had an oil spill, thankfully it was not along a pristine beach and only the kitchen floor suffered ill effects, well that and Mistral who had clearly thought it wise to have a good roll in it. Clearly thinking of us and helping in his own special way to clean up the mess.
Yes it did get rid of some of the floor oil, sadly however he didn't realise it would then stick to him.

So after a very long week of work, insane taxi drivers and delayed flights I came home to total mess.

I have cleaned Mist as best as I can before this show tomorrow . . . . . . pray for us, we will need it!


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