Saturday, March 14, 2009

Braidwood Show

There are some days that I truely wonder why . . . . . .

Mistral decided that he had taken a violent dislike to the judge and that he simply had to get away from her as quickly as possible. The judge was utterly furious about the whole thing saying she had had a bad day??????

So offcause we didn't do very well at all. The other dogs offcause didn't act up the way Mist was and the points went to them.

We didn't go home totally empty handed however, taking our class, reserve challenge and then runner up best of breed, so it could have been worse.

I just don't know what came over my usually charming, show off, utter flirt of a dog. Not liking people is so against his usual nature. I suppose just like people, dogs like certain people and dislike others.
Some absolutly lovely people I have gotten to know have offered to help out with Mistral tomorrow at the next show we have.

With any luck this will help calm the maniac down and get him more focused before he is called to the ring.

Wish us luck, god knows we are going to need it.

And now after an already stupidly long and tireing day I have to go and attent the engagement party for two close friends.
Right now I wish I was doing what the boys are, curled up in their beds, fast asleep and content.

Not a damn chance, bugger.


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