Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yass, Saturday Morning

Its already been a long day and its only going to get longer.
I have a few hours at home between the two shows we have and will be attending today. The first one this morning in Yass went alright actually.

We got totally dumped and got absolutly nothing but Mistral was a good boy! He was a little vocal here and there but he stood mostly still for the judge and stacked himself very nicely so I am very happy with that.

Currently he and my partner are fast asleep before we pack up again for this twilight show in Canberra later.
As I stated before Mist has never been to a twilight show before and I will be very interested to see how he takes it all. I am really hoping that he does well but I wont hold my breath, he is very young still and totally out of coat, he is a slow grower and isnt nearly as impressive as some of the other dogs. He just needs time to grow up but it certainly makes getting his Aus champ in a year, or less then now, difficult!

Well nothing like a challenge!

So a few pics from this morning:The lovely little Stanley, sibe pup, such a total cutie.

And the stunning Bud, Misty's half uncle, who took out Best of Breed (cheer)
He is an amazingly big, heavy dog, he is very striking and will hopfully do well tonight as well.


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